3 Things: Awareness, Ambition & Action (and an ask)

Jan 13, 2023

Hi there. I’m excited to write this as it’s another step to more of an intentional path to serve and help people. As you know by now, I published a book in the Fall – With Intention. It was almost a two-year process from start to finish but, if I’m being honest, it was probably 40 years ago when I first had the dream to write a book. I’m so excited and honored about the impact it’s having. Thanks so much for your support!

Additionally, our team has been hard at work developing a course as well that will help people go deeper into the content. It’s going to be a hands-on, get dirty type engagement. 6 weeks of in-depth training with over 30 modules and a 40-page guidebook to help you live and lead with greater intention!

Michelle, my lovely wife, just went through the course and she can be a harsh critic sometimes (let me tell ya : ) – which is great btw as it makes me better!! Here’s the cool thing – she found the course and accompanying workbook a very powerful combination. As I mentioned above, the course is built with a 40+ page workbook where the student does a lot of writing and reflection. Research tells us that our brains are made to write with pen and paper and there’s something about doing that which sears the thoughts in your heart, mind and soul. Don’t worry, it will have an option to just fill out a PDF on a computer as well: )

Ok, the course isn’t ready yet but it’s close. More to follow soon. For now, we do have a training on a really cool process that’s helped me over the years. It’s called the Wheel of Life. Many of you have probably heard of this or completed it. Some of the top leadership development teachers in the world utilize it, including guys like Tony Robbins. It’s a simple, effective way to gain awareness and it gives a great visual for where you stand in multiple facets of your life.

Now, on to the three things…

An ask:

Here’s my ask – I’d love for you to watch the video and apply it with the accompanying PDF workbook. You can access it here. Remember, I highly recommend you print it out and write in it as well.

Awareness is the first step to everything. Ambition is our ability to see the future state. Action is the movement to close the gap between Awareness and Ambition. I feel like many people make this too complicated. To get results, it’s about knowing where you are and then determining where you want to go. Then, this is where the real work begins – it takes doing the work to get there, slowly but surely.

A Quote: “Awareness precedes choice and choice precedes results.” – Robin Sharma

A Call to Action: Download the training and workbook here. Carve out 30 minutes – schedule it in your calendar if you need to. Print out the workbook and watch the 6-minute video training. Take the time to write in the workbook and get courageous on what you’re building for the future. 2023 is upon us. Let’s go!

Also, I’d love your feedback if you download it and give it a go. I’m in permanent beta mode always trying to make things more impactful so don’t be shy about letting me know your feedback! You all have been so loyal through the years and encouraging – your input means a lot to me (if you go through the training). Thanks so much!

With Intention,

โ€‹Jon Giganti Author. Speaker. Leader.

Attention requires a focused head.
requires a focused heart.

*Read USA TODAY Bestseller With Intention
*Listen to the With Intention podcast
*Enjoy weekly inspiration: The “3 Things” newsletter


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