3 Things: You are never alone

Jul 21, 2022

Quick Story: My 88 year-old mother-in-law made the news last week. She has dementia and is in a dementia-care facility. After “escaping” from her facility because of an unlocked door, she went missing for a few hours (she even made the news and had helicopters searching for her!). Two young security guards who were getting of their shift at Walmart saw her picture on the news and decided to go looking for her. They found her around 2am on the overpass of a local highway, which was about five hours after she left (yes, my 88 yr old mother-in-law can move – she walked five miles in the middle of the night!!). What a miracle and these two “good Samaritans” are amazing!

My wife quickly left the facility to pick up her mom and when she finally was able to give here a big hug, Michelle asked her mom if she was scared. Her mom said “no”. Michelle said, “but you were all alone walking in the middle of the night, how were you not scared.” Her mom, in her slow and deliberate speech these days looked here in the eyes and said, “I…was….NEV-ER…alone.”

Her mom is has always had a deep faith and it makes you wonder if there is a higher power always with us – maybe we just need to tune in a little bit to find it.

Quote: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10

Call to Action: Think about a time that you’ve felt “alone” in your life. Maybe a season of suffering which everyone goes through. My hunch is looking back you can probably find hints of not being alone. And, today – you may be feeling alone right now, right this second while you’re reading this. Can you tune in and reframe your perspective? Would it help if you knew you weren’t alone? My guess is that it would. Well, know that – you are never alone!

God bless,



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