Filling Buckets…

May 19, 2015

“Let’s fill other people’s buckets full so you can have friends.” – Gabriel Giganti (7 yrs old)
Wow. I can’t tell how happy this makes me. Michelle has a quote board up in our kitchen. It’s usually a quote or bible verse from another source. This quote is from my son, Gabe. And, I love the 1st grade misspellings : ). That makes it extra special!

We always talk about filling people’s buckets. Build people up – don’t tear them down. It’s not always easy but if you’re intentional about it, it can change the world!

So, how about you? Do you focus on building people up? How about your bucket? Are you surrounded by people and influences that add to it or deplete it? If it’s the latter, think about how you can associate yourself with bucket fillers.

Author Tom Rath wrote a great buck called “How Full is Your Bucket” where I learned this metaphor a few years ago. The kids version is even better.

So, go fill some buckets!


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