3 Things: Changing your focus, taking action and controlling what you can control

Jul 07, 2022

Thought: Situations happen. It’s our ability to respond in every circumstance that leads to an outcome. It doesn’t mean things will be easy. Focus on what you can control and influence.

Quote: “Don’t worry about what you can’t control. Our focus and energy needs to be on the things we can control. Attitude, effort, focus – these are the things we can control.” – Tim Tebow

Call to Action: If you’re dealing with some type of adversity today, hit the pause button and ask yourself – what can I influence right now. It might be something as simple as doing some writing to clear your head, grabbing a quick workout, saying a prayer or reaching out to a friend. There’s power in taking action even if it’s small action. What can you influence about your current situation right now?


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