Adam Helbling – From Tragedy to Triumph

Jul 05, 2013

Hi there,

First off, I just wanted to say thank you for being a part of The Catalyst Project. It’s so much fun to interact with you and see this building into a formidable tribe.

I’ve mentioned this project in past emails about my friend Adam Helbling. I’ve got some exciting news – we just launched a Kickstarter campaign to help with getting Adam’s book published. Here’s the link to check it out. This has been a lot of work, but a lot of fun to put together! Big thanks to all that have helped – and there’s a lot of you. You can also click on the image at the top of this post to see more on the campaign.

Here’s the background:

Adam was in a near-fatal car accident in January 2011 where he flipped his car five times front over front. After dying briefly at the scene, the EMS workers were able to bring him back to life. That day was the first day of the rest of his life.

He was heading down the wrong path in life. At one point a national champion water skiier and in the top academic ranks at Ohio State, Adam struggled with Bipolar Disorder and eventually drug abuse. After going off his medication for a few days, he went into a psychotic state, which led him to stay up for a few nights in a row…and, eventually his life-altering accident.

Adam’s extremely fortunate to be alive. And, fortunate no one else was hurt. He was given a second chance at life and he’s taking full advantage of it.

Taking on an abundance mindset (rather than a poverty one), Adam is now sharing his story and aiming to inspire others to make the most of their gifts and time.

He’s given over 40 inspirational talks since his accident. He talks of the danger of drugs abuse, the challenges with bipolar, embracing life in a wheelchair and, ultimately, how you can take on the right mindset and make your own impact in the world.

Adam made many mistakes. Adam failed along the way. It’a valuable lesson, however, in that he’s make a decision to take control. He’s made THE ultimate decision we all can make….a decision to make a positive impact on others. It would’ve been easy for him to close up shop and fall into a victim state. He’s refused to do that.

So, today we’re announcing the launch of a Kickstarter Campaign. Adam has finished his memoir, “Well…I Guess I’m Not Jesus.” We’re now in the editing, design and marketing phase of the process. With that, we’re raising some money and getting his story out there.

We’d love for you to check out the Kickstarter Page, where you can watch a quick (5 min) documentary we made (which was a blast by the way shooting this). You can also learn more about Adam’s story.

I don’t typically like to ask the TCP readers for things, but because this is such a great story and I believe it really needs to be shared with the world, we’re asking a couple of things.

1 – First and foremost, we’d love for you to share this on Facebook and/or Twitter. The more we share, the more awareness is out there. Regardless of the funds we’re raising, getting Adam’s message out there will help many people. You can simply go to the KS page HERE and underneath the video you can share it.

2 – We’d love for you to contribute and back the project. No amount is too small. There are various rewards you can get if you back it. For example, $13 will get you a digital copy of the book once it’s out.

Please don’t think you have to donate….this note to you is more about getting the message out so, again, if you can share Adam’s story with your network that would be awesome!

Have a great rest of the weekend!


– You can learn more about Adam’s story at his blog as well

– And, you can check out The Catalyst Project for more on what we’re doing here. We’ve got a link to the campaign there as well. Thanks to my friend JD for throwing that together.


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