21 Rules of Productivity Jul 30, 2012

“Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade.”

Tony Robbins

I’m a living productivity lab. One of the cool things about balancing a...

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43.5 Musings, Reflections and Lessons from my Limit-shattering weekend (#WDS2012) Jul 12, 2012

“The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you say to someone when you’re being uncool.”

Almost Famous (via Brene Brown)

I had the privilege of attending the World Domination Summit (#WDS2012) over the weekend in Portland, OR. It was a world-class experience, to say...

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If you Died Tomorrow, What would your Legacy Be? Jun 19, 2012

I know. Kind of a morbid question. Think about it though. Do you know what your legacy is?

It’s such an important question. A difficult one at that. Death isone of our greatest fears. I get it. It’s time to stop fearing what we’re going to leave behind.

Why don’t we start...

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34 Catalysts Reveal What Drives Them Jun 12, 2012

Welcome to The Catalyst Project.

I believe there’s no greater accomplishment in life than to contribute to others in a meaningful way. I have a secret for you – we ALL have the ability to be Catalysts in some way, shape or form.

The 34 catalysts that you will learn about come from a...

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36 Years, The 36th Lesson May 23, 2012

36. Always get back up – You’re going to get knocked down. YOU are going to get KNOCKED DOWN. It’s inevitable. Be resilient. It takes one step – just GET BACK UP. Stand up, hold your head up high and embrace whatever failure you’ve experienced. Setbacks are the...

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The Beauty of Failure and Doubt May 14, 2012

Failure is your friend. Doubt is a good thing.

No, I’m not crazy (well, maybe some would say I am).

I despise the part of my brain that tells me I can’t do something. Scratch that – I love it.

I’m a firm believer that you can’t experience true success in anything...

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The Corporate Athlete ā€“ A Simple Process to Get Results Mar 07, 2012

“One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.”- Tony Robbins


Focused Action, Recover, Repeat.

There are all...

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The Fear Manifesto Jan 27, 2012

I’m too tired

I don’t have enough time 

My feet hurt

I’m too busy

I’ll do it tomorrow

I’ll do it next year

Someday, Someday….

I’m not talented enough 

I’m not strong enough

I’m not smart enough 

I failed last time


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The Relationship Dilemma (and differentiating yourself from the norm in business and life) Jan 18, 2012

“Be interested, not interesting.”
John Costigan

Are your relationships suffering?


Genuine relationships are in danger of extinction.

Seek first to understand, and then be understood. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason. All of these are motto’s that mean the same...

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Do You Want to Have a Remarkable 2012? Seven Keys to Goal Setting (and Live Your Legendā€™s Must Have Guide) Jan 05, 2012

Most people overestimate what they can do in one day but underestimate what they can do in a year
Scott Dinsmore

Is 2012 set up to be your year? Insert Year X here. How many times have you said “this is going to be the year”? I know I’ve done that and had minimal success until I...

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How to Ignite your Creativity Nov 14, 2011

“Counter-intuitive as it sounds; it’s the undoing that plants the seeds of the greatest doing.”
Jonathan Fields

Image from zanecarmichael.com

I’m reading Jonathan Fields new book, “Uncertainty”. The premise is all about taking a leap and overcoming your fears...

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The Power of Asking Yourself WHY Nov 10, 2011

**Photo from startwithwhy.com

The WHY of whatever you’re doing is such an important question to ask. My friend Scott Dinsmore of Live Your Legend is a big proponent of this way of thinking. Check out his stuff here.

Simon Sinek recently published a book titled, “Start with...

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