3 Things: Being Still, exploring awareness & discovering your strengths Jul 14, 2022

Idea: Self-awareness is the first step to understanding your potential and what’s possible. Do you know what your strengths are? How about your weaknesses? You and I have both and it’s important to know what they are. Maybe you need to step back a bit, be still, do some thinking and...

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3 Things: Changing your focus, taking action and controlling what you can control Jul 07, 2022

Thought: Situations happen. It’s our ability to respond in every circumstance that leads to an outcome. It doesn’t mean things will be easy. Focus on what you can control and influence.

Quote: “Don’t worry about what you can’t control. Our focus and energy needs to...

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3 Things: Beating distraction, kicking the rock & staying proactive Jun 30, 2022
  1. A Thought – What if we’re all suffering from something called IDD – Intention Deficit Disorder? Let’s face it, we’re all busy. There have never been more distractions in the history of mankind. We live in a state of constant communication, notifications, text...
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3 Things: Getting the right things done Jun 22, 2022

Thought: Productivity is about effectiveness and focusing on the right things. Having a trusted system that reduces the friction in doing great work is the key to consistent results.

Content: My friend, Mike Williams, wrote a great book called “Doing to Done”. He teaches a simple...

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3 Things: Building margin into your life so you can be at your best more often Jun 16, 2022

Thought: Your ability to slow down enables you to speed up when you need to.

Content: In this 2 minute clip, Chet Scott and Brett Kaufman talk about the power of margin (watch here). Chet compares margins in a book and how they relate to our lives. In a book, there’s white space at the top,...

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3 Things: The power of gratitude Jun 09, 2022

Thought – When we’re grateful for someone or something, it provides an element of joy. It takes the focus off any challenges we’re facing, even if for a moment.

Quote – “True humility is not thinking less of yourself. It is thinking of yourself less.” –...

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3 Things: Managing stress & avoiding burnout Jun 02, 2022
  1. Thought – Stress is normal. Sometimes, it’s even a good thing and helps us navigate stuff. We all have a breaking point. Our ability to understand this and take the appropriate steps to manage it is important.
  2. Quote – “Stress isn’t from the events that happen in our...
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3 Things: Communicate more clearly & increase your influence May 24, 2022

As I’m writing my first book, I’m working hard on writing so it’s frictionless for the reader. This isn’t easy. Here are three things around the topic of communicating more clearly:

  1. A concept: The Feynman technique will help you communicate more clearly. It was...
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How do you make people feel? May 23, 2022

What type of impression are you leaving on people? I mean, when you leave the room and you’ve just spent some time with a group or another person, are they filled up by the words you’ve used or the experience you’ve provided?

This is a question I’m pondering as I think...

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3 Things: The Little Things Matter May 18, 2022
  1. A Thought: Don’t underestimate the power of kind gesture. I was in the Starbucks drive through yesterday. The barista taking my order was so nice. She was authentically interested in me from the moment she opened her mouth to ask me what I wanted. When I went to take my first sip after I...
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3 Things: How to compete better May 11, 2022

Thought: Working hard and competing is a difference-maker. Don’t ever settle and think that you’re not in a battle. Often times, our biggest obstacle is ourselves. If you can win the battle between your ears and keep working, you’re off to a good start.

Content: In 2015, Timothy...

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3 Things: Facing Adversity & Growth Mindset May 04, 2022


“The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Never forget, with every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition.” – Ryan Holiday


The book, “Mindset” (by psychologist, Carol Dweck), is a must-read. She’s one of the...

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