The Choice is Yours May 01, 2020

In 1946, Victor Frankl published the book, “Man’s Search For Meaning”. This detailed his life and observations surviving the Holocaust and Nazi concentration camps. It’s a bone-chilling read and one I would recommend to you if you haven’t read it.

Frankl told story...

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The Habits That Are Helping Me Right Now Apr 22, 2020

Let’s face it, our normal routines have been kicked in the head. I get it. It’s a challenging situation. This is the longest time I’ve spent at home in my twenty-year business career. Six weeks of no airplanes, live customer meetings, etc. It’s different. It feels weird....

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Grace Apr 08, 2020

Give yourself some grace right now. Everyone is under pressure. I know you want to give it your best right now. Whether you’re thrust into being a teacher, have lost your job or have a reduction in pay or just adapting to this new world, take a step back and a deep breath. Good will come of...

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Take Ownership Mar 14, 2019

The outcomes you get are more often than not a result of the work you do daily. Sometimes the outcome isn’t what you wanted but looking back there’s usually a clear reason why you are where you are. The sooner you get clarity on that and, next, take ownership of that, the sooner you...

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The clock is ticking… Mar 14, 2019

I’m diving back into Drucker’s Effective Executive. It’s a profound read and one I highly recommend. One of the key tenents Drucker talks about is knowing one’s time. There’s no doubt time is becoming harder and harder to come by. Email, texts, social media,...

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GTRSD Feb 28, 2019

There’s a motto we talk about in sales called GSD. Get Sh$t Done. What if we add TR to this – so GTRSD. TR stands for “the right”. So, Get The Right Sh$t Done.

Its easy to fall into a trap of checking the box or just checking things off your to do list but is it “the...

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Rattled cages Feb 27, 2019

Sometimes getting your cage rattled is necessary. Do you have truth tellers in your life? Or at least one truth teller? Someone who will call you out in a truth in love kind of way. If you don’t, I highly recommend finding one.

It’s one thing to be confident in how you’re...

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Who’s your five? Feb 22, 2019

Jim Rohn said this first I believe – “You are the avg of the five people you spend the most time with.” My friend, Scott, used to say this a lot and it always resonated with me. I think it rings true. I’d even argue that you’re the avg of the influences you spend the...

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What did you learn and… Feb 21, 2019

How can you apply?

These are great words of wisdom from the likes of David Deck & Chet Scott at Built to Lead (I work closely with David 1:1).

What does this mean and why is it important? We live in a consumer-driven world. This means we default to consuming lots of stuff – Information,...

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Breathe Feb 20, 2019

I think many struggle with basic breathing. It’s a default system. I know I do unless I’m intentional about it. We’re born breathing and breathe until our last dying breath (at least on this earth). It takes a little work to tune into our parasympathetic nervous system. Google...

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Joshua Scott Interview – Finding order amidst the chaos Jan 02, 2019

“When you’ve got predictability then you can go off course…having to figure out less actually frees you up to think in different, creative ways.”

Joshua Scott

I recently had the chance to sit down and talk to Joshua Scott. Josh (@joshuascott) is the co-founder & CEO...

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Gardener May 30, 2018

As a leader, I’m learning that the job is to facilitate growth. Just like a gardener tending to his or her crop, you have to work the soil and ensure the conditions are right. This changes everyday. Some days you have to plant, some days you water, some days you fertilize, some days you do...

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